Hidden Trick Chrome to make Content://com.android.browser.home/ for Android even better

The default homepage is content://com.android.browser.home/ Most of us are interested in setting our homepage and tabs. Since every browser has different websites, for example, Google Search Engine’s homepage contains Chrome browsers. In this article, I will guide you on how to configure your default web browser and how to set up your Android device’s default browser.

It is highly important to have our default browsers, as it is opened on the Android web browser when you click the hyperlink link. Many of us would like to use Google Chrome, Gmail, Safari, etc. to configure any of these applications as a default browser, and then the primary browser to open all hyperlinks. As many browsers turn to the search engine, Google will be the app instead of content://com.android.browser.home/.

Each app permits its users to default on their homepage. Although most come from Google, some browsers are also using Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. If you don’t like your home page, then you might turn to any other search engine, either the content://com.android.browser.home/ or Google app.

You can easily change a default browser, and you do not have to think about content://com.android.browser.home/ the homepage on your homepage instead.

How does a web browser switch the Content://com.android.browser.home?

  • Click on your Android-based device’s window icon, which is marked as the internet or web, button to open the Android Web browser.
  • Tap on the top-right of your browser’s open Menu to display three vertical dots.
  • From the Menu, click Settings.
  • Set the homepage by tap and general tap.
  • Type the Url on your homepage, which is your designated home page.
  • To save, click. Close the browser now and reopen it.
  • Now you can see that content:/com.android.browser.home/ is not available as your website, it’s modified.

Setup Chrome Android #1: Address bar for search enabled To content://com.android.browser.home/.

Chrome’s address bar (A.K.A. Omnibox) is the point of departure for most of the app— and it’ll become quite user-friendly if you’re teenage. A configuration of the Chrome flags feature can adjust the standard behavior of the address bar so that, if you click on it, the current Url will immediately be visible and you can enter an empty URL, together with a quick shortcut to copy or to pass a reference to your current webpage.

This is undoubtedly a subtle shift, but it’s quite a sensible darn — and small stuff such as this can make a big difference.

To update, enter chrome:/flags to the address bar of your browser and then click Omnibox in the search box on the next page. Reach the search object (which is probably the highest result) on the Search Readiness Omnibox site. Tap the box below and change the “Default” setting to “Enabled.”.

Just click on the blue button on’ Relaunch Now’ at the bottom of the screen–and check your new feature.

Setup Chrome Mobile # 2: Set up spoken searches

The other worthwhile modification is a subtle but equally effective Chrome Android address bar — mainly if you don’t use the previous alternative. The second one is worthwhile. This secret feature installs a microphone icon on the address bar, so you can still locate the corresponding image inside the keyboard by chatting, without moving your finger far or searching.

It makes a lot of sense to have that symbol right here, where you’re taping.

Type chrome:/flags in the address bar, then type Omnibox voice in the app and check for the Omnibox Voice Check Always Visible element to link it to your phone’s browser. Click the bottom of the screen and switch the setting from “Safe” to “Enabled,” as you did a second ago, then taps the blue button for “Relaunch Now” on the bottom of the screen and sing a happy little ditty.

The new-link peek panel of Chrome Android # 3

When you look at the website, and you want to open a link without browsing the main page you are viewing? Do you know? You usually must go through the messy process of unlocking the reference as a new tab, switch over to that tab, show the newly opened page, then close it, and return to your original tab. Well, immediately stop that stupidity, you stupid old salamander, because Chrome’s much better way to do that.

The sneak-pin panel is highly useful and pulls up every reference on top of the page you are reading. When you decide to send this page to its window, you can do so with a single tap as well. You can swipe up or down the screen to show more or less of the secondary page. But if you do not, without a single interruption, you can keep basking in the shine of your original page.

Type chrome:/flags again into the address bar to connect the link to a Chrome Android app on your phone, and this time, try ephemeral. Look for the happily named Ephemeral tab (seriously, that isn’t romantic, isn’t it?) in an overlay panel choice and then click the box below it, change it to’ Registered’ and press the’ Relaunch Now’ button at the bottom of the screen.

And you’ve done it with that! (Would you?) From now, you can open a site, press and hold the link, and find the “Sneak peek” option to experience the joy of multiple browser tasks. (Go ahead and hit back quickly, would you?)